Jaw Pain and TMJ Treatment in Ann Arbor, MI

Are you currently dealing with daily annoying tension and clenching in the jaw put but can’t find any lasting relief?

You are not alone! We hear this all the time.

In fact, we treat many forms of jaw pain (commonly referred to as TMJ) regularly with success!

Most people think that there is little to nothing that can be done about jaw clenching and tension other than wearing a night guard... Ironically, many find the night split to actually increase jaw tension and soreness!

Unfortunately, we frequently see people years later when the pain and discomfort becomes debilitating. The good news is you do not have to be suffering this long from jaw tension and TMJ to get relief! And if you have been suffering for years, very often we can still help!

See How We Treat Jaw Clenching and TMJ Differently!

Do These Points of Tension Look and Feel Familiar to You?

Common sources of muscular tension creating painful referral patterns in jaw and teeth (maybe even headaches)

Are you experiencing TMJ symptoms that leave your jaw painful, "stiff" or "tight".... with frequent clicking that is getting on your last nerve? 

Learn how we can help you melt away that unwanted Jaw Tension!